LLC “Ferment” carries out tests with the help of its own analytical center, which cooperates with a number of leading profile scientific organizations in the Republic of Belarus, laboratories of the industry and centers for collective use of the unique scientific equipment in the Republic of Belarus.

The main objects of the research are active bio-chemical ingredients, auxiliary substances and biological forms.
The laboratory is equipped with modern high-precision measuring equipment that meets international standards and guarantees high quality of research.
Scientific center of LLC “Ferment” has a unique complex of bio-technological developments, as well as competitive and effective products. Specialists of the Center implement their own original technologies and carry out a number of projects under contracts with foreign partners.
Mission of the Center consists in development and implementation of modern technological approaches to creation of innovative products, including their support at the stages of idea, development and pilot testing.

LLC “Ferment” carries out optimization of production processes at light and food industry enterprises, as well as agricultural enterprises, through introduction of innovative environmentally clean bio-technologies.