Dry enzyme feed additive. Used to increase accessibility of phosphorus from plant ingredients in feed of farm animals, pigs, poultry and fish by decomposition of phytic acid and its compounds.
Manufacturer (supplier)
  • Ferment ООО

Dry enzyme feed additive

  • "Fitazim-S" (group 1);

  • "Fitazim-S" (group 2);

  • "Fitazim-S" (group 3).


The enzyme is a thermostable phytase (producer strain Pichia pastoris), filler (wheat or rye flour, wheat or rye bran, maltodextrin, zeolite, dietary salt, feed chalk).


Used to increase accessibility of phosphorus from plant ingredients in feed of farm animals, pigs, poultry and fish by decomposition of phytic acid and its compounds.

Biological properties

Usage of dry enzyme additives "Fitazim-С" (group 1), "Fitazim-C" (group 2) and "Fitazim-С" (group 3) shall facilitate:

  • decomposition of phytine compounds, release of phosphate-ions and metal cations (macro- and microelements) in feed;

  • increase of phosphorus availability from plant feed ingredients;

  • improvement of accessibility calcium, magnesium, trace elements, raw protein and amino acids accessibility, thus increasing the energy value of feed;

  • decrease of phosphorus supplements adding from 30 to 50% depending on the type of grain components of the diet;

  • decrease of specific feed consumption per unit of the manufactured products;

  • increase of livestock and poultry productivity.


Cream white to light brown homogeneous powder.

How to use

Recommended for inclusion in the diets of farm animals, pigs, poultry and fish of all age and gender groups.

Recommended norm of introduction with feed:

  • "Fitazim-С" (group 1) -  60 - 100 g per 1 ton of compound feed;

  • "Fitazim-С" (group 2) - 600 - 1000 g per 1 ton of compound feed;

  • "Fitazim-С" (group 3) - 30 - 50 g per 1 ton of compound feed;

The additives are introduced at the plants producing premixtures, AVMA and compound feed or at the feed shops, by using current mixing technologies.


Feed additives remain effective at pH value from 2.0 to 9.0. They shall withstand temperature up to 95°С during granulation.

Safety interval

The agricultural products obtained after the usage of feed additives can be used for feeding purposes without restrictions.

Advantages of using

Determined by presence of the protease enzyme that hydrolyzes large protein molecules to low-molecular-weight peptides and amino acids and increases digestibility of amino acids
  • more complete digestion of nutritional substances;
  • phosphorus release from the phytate cereal complex by means of the phytase action;
  • increased gain of weight of animals and poultry and increased poultry egg-laying capacity;
  • reduction of specific feed consumption per unit of the products produced;
  • increase of availability of ferrum, magnesium, calcium, zinc and other minerals;
  • increase in the availability of proteins, amyno acids, and carbohydrates;
  • bone tissue strengthening;
  • acceleration of muscle tissue formation;
  • increase in livestock survival.


Use of feed additive Fitazim-S in the compound feed for poultry allows to increase phosphorus availability by 30.6-43.8%, calcium by 5.4-8.4%, magnesium by 9.1-10.3% and zinc by 28.3-30.2%, helps increase level of amino acids availability by 4.3-7.1%; meat poultry growing energy by 2.9-4.8%. The application of Fitazim-S in the compound feed for poultry results in increased meat content in broiler chickens and concentration of protein in meat, increase of the broiler stock live weight by 4.5-6.8%, improves the feed conversion ratio by 5.4-10% and reduces feed prices per product unit by 4.0-6.6%. Fitazim-S ensures involvement of additional quantities of phosphorus in the exchange processes and allows decrease adding of mineral posphoric additives into the mixed feed for poultry by 22-30% and reduce feed costs by 5.3-7.4%.

Use of feed additive Fitazim-S in the mixed feed for swine increases average daily gain by 5.1-7.4%, accessibility of raw protein by 4.0-5.7%, indispensable amino acids by 6.3-9.8%, calcium by 8.9-15.8%, phosphorus by 27.6-38.1%, improves ecological situation due to reduction of the dung volume and discharge of nitrogen, phosphorus into the environment by 25,3 and 44.2% respectively. Use of Fitazim-S allows to reduce feed costs per unit of gain by 13.1-15.7%, increase livestock grow intensity by 14.6-19.4%, makes positive effect on their meat productivity and results in reduction of the mixed feed cost by 5.5-9.9%.

The use of the feed additive Fitazim-S in cattle feed. During the first stage of the young cattle breading, in the context of low activity or absence of phytases, phytic phosphorus and a complex of nutritious elements related to it pass the digestive tract in transit. It decreases phosphorus availability of the grain feed by 15-22% of its initial quantity in the feed, and efficiency of other minerals related to it, decrease at least by 8-25%.

Use of feed additive Fitazim-S when feeding young cattle increases availability of calcium, ferrum, manganese, zinc and copper by 8.9-11.2%, indispensable amino acids by 2.2-3.6%. Phosphorus efficiency of green feed increases by 7.8-10.8%. Inclusion of Fitazim-S in diets of young cattle animals makes it possible to abandon the use of monocalcium phosphate in the compound feed.

Use of feed additive Fitazim-S into the mixed feed for fish increases bioavailability of phosphorus by 25-40%, mineral elements by 6.9-8.7%; increases raw protein accessibility by 5.9-6.6%; allows increase fish growth by 7.7-9.5%. Use of the feed additive makes a favourable effect on ecological situation of the ponds as long as phosphorus is one of the main polluting elements in the water environment. The use of Fitazim-S allows for a wider use of plant protein sources in compound feeds for fish.