Mycotoxin sorbent. It is used for prevention and treatment of mycotoxicosis, increasing the growth energy and safety of cattle, pigs and poultry.
Composition: mycotoxin sorbent "Diatoks-Ultra" contains, g/kg: yeast in the form of yeast cell walls - not less than 300.0, sappropel prepared by special method - not less than 600.0; mineral filler - up to 1000.0
Presentation: Diatoks-Ultra mycotoxin sorbent is a homogeneous grey-beige free-flowing powder, free from foreign matters. Compatible with all feed components.
- Ferment ООО
"Diatoks-Ultra" mycotoxin sorbent is used for prevention and treatment of mycotoxicosis, increasing the growth energy and safety of cattle, pigs and poultry.
- Combined functions of components ensure synergetic effect on different types of mycotoxins
Unique combination of organic components ensures a wide range of action
Maximum sorption capacity
Safety — the enterprise uses international ISO and HACCP standards, guarantees high safety and efficiency of the sorbent for all animals and poultry
- High thermal stability — the sorbent withstands short-term effect of high temperatures during production of combined feeds
Mycotoxin sorbent "Diatoks-Ultra" contains, g/kg: yeast in the form of yeast cell walls - not less than 300.0, sappropel prepared by special method - not less than 600.0; mineral filler - up to 1000.0.
Yeast cell walls have easily accessible adsorption centers and are able to bind hydrogen atoms from the toxin, thus destroying mycotoxins.
Sapropel, dried by using special method, is a natural complex of humic acids, fulvic acids, oligosaccharides, lignin, macro- and microelements, environmentally friendly sorbent, produced in Belarus.
Mechanism of action
"Diatoks-Ultra" binds mycotoxins (aflatoxin, ochratoxin, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, fumonisin, etc.), due to ionic and covalent links forming complexes resistant to pH changes, without interacting with amino-acids, vitamins and useful microorganisms. Mycotoxin sorbent.
Sorption capacity in relation to mycotoxins is as follows: aflatoxin — 98%, ochratoxin — 89.2%, Т-2 toxin — 92.9%, deoxynivalenol — 86.4%, zearalenone — 86.7%, fumonisin — 94.3%.
The use of the Diatoks-Ultra mycotoxin sorbent makes it possible to:
reduce disease rate by 32%;
increase the survival of the livestock up to 25%;
increase the productivity of animals and poultry by 15%;
reduce the feed conversion by 5%;
increase the profitability of production up to 14%.
How to use
Mycotoxin sorbent is added to the compound feed, AVMA, feed mixtures at the compound feed plants or in the feed shops of farms, using the existing mixing technologies to achieve uniform distribution of the sorbent through the entire feed bulk.
Recommended introduction rate:
for pigs and poultry — 0.1–0.2% to the weight of feed (1.0–2.0 kg/t of compound feed);
for bovine cattle — 0.15–0.3% to the weight of the feed (1.5–3.0 kg/t of compound feed).
At high levels of mycotoxins in food, it is recommended to increase the maximum intake rate of the sorbent twice.
Side effects and complications when using the mycotoxin sorbent have not been established. No contraindications have been established. Mycotoxin sorbent is compatible with biologically active substances and other food components (vitamins and microelements).
Safety interval
Products and raw materials of animal origin from animals and poultry can be used for feeding purposes without restrictions after using of mycotoxin sorbent.
Mycotoxin sorbent components are not accumulated in animals and poultry, as well as in products. Non-absorbed substances from the sorbent additive are excreted from the intestines into the environment with feces or litter together with mycotoxins or their decomposition products.